Why Does My Realme GT5 Not Charge Past 80% Sometimes?

realme gt4 wont charge past 80

Noticing your Realme GT5 suddenly stopping charging at 80% can be confusing when you want a full battery. Most times it charges to 100% normally, but occasionally it applies the brakes at 80% for no apparent reason. Don’t worry – this charging limitation is actually an intended feature, not a defect. But understanding what causes it can prevent frustration.

The GT5 and many modern phones use a battery preservation technique called adaptive charging that leverages machine learning to optimize long-term battery health. By analyzing your charging patterns and daily usage, it strategically pauses charging before 100% at times to reduce battery wear. This explains the sporadic 80% charging limit.

With the right settings adjustments and charging practices, you can reduce disruptive 80% charges while still benefiting from battery longevity perks. This guide explains the causes of capped 80% charges and how to minimize them. Just a few simple tweaks can give you the best of both worlds!

Why Does the 80% Charging Limit Occur?

Some specific reasons your Realme GT5 stops at 80% instead of fully charging include:

  • Adaptive charging is on – This feature pauses charging below 100% based on usage patterns to extend battery lifespan. Turn off to always charge fully.
  • Irregular charging schedule – Inconsistent charging times prevent adaptive charging from accurately learning your habits and needs. Stick to regular schedules.
  • Overnight charging – Adaptive charging minimizes overnight time spent at 100% to reduce long-term battery wear. Expect 80% overnight.
  • High battery usage – Intense usage cycles trigger occasional “deep charging” sessions to 100% to compensate. Lighter usage allows more 80% caps.
  • Battery age and cycle count – More aged batteries with increased cycle counts force adaptive charging to enact more aggressive longevity tactics like 80% caps.

Resolving Annoying 80% Charges

If you want to reduce instances of the 80% battery limit but keep adaptive charging’s benefits try these subsequent tweaks:

1. Set a Regular Charging Schedule

Routine charging is the practice of charging your device at regular intervals, typically overnight. This can help to extend the battery life of your device and improve its overall performance.

There are a number of benefits to routine charging:

  • Extends battery life: Routine charging helps to keep your battery balanced and prevents it from being overcharged or undercharged. This can help to extend the overall lifespan of your battery.
  • Improves performance: Routine charging can also help to improve the performance of your device. This is because a well-charged battery is able to provide more power to the device’s components.
  • Reduces wear and tear: Routine charging can also help to reduce wear and tear on your device’s battery. This is because the battery is not constantly being cycled between full and empty.
  • Prevents battery problems: Routine charging can also help to prevent battery problems such as swelling and overheating. This is because the battery is not being stressed by being overcharged or undercharged.

Try to stick to a routine charging schedule to allow adaptive charging to tailor to your habits. Irregular timing reduces effectiveness.

2. Manually Toggle Adaptive Charging

Temporarily toggle off Adaptive Charging when you need full top offs then re-enable it for longevity the rest of the time.

Adaptive charging is a feature that is designed to extend the lifespan of your Realme GT5’s battery. It does this by monitoring your charging habits and charging your device more slowly when you are likely to need it.

For example, if you typically charge your device overnight, adaptive charging will slow down the charging process once the battery reaches 80%. This will help to prevent the battery from being overcharged, which can damage it over time.

To disable adaptive charging on your Realme GT5, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap on Battery and performance.
  3. Tap on Adaptive charging.
  4. Toggle the Adaptive charging switch to Off.

Once you have disabled adaptive charging, your device will charge at full speed all the time. This may reduce the lifespan of your battery slightly, but it may also be necessary if you need to charge your device quickly.

3. Charge to 100% Before Heavy Usage

If you know a heavy usage day is coming, manually charge to 100% first to satisfy adaptive charging algorithms.

The recommendation to charge to 100% before heavy usage is based on the fact that lithium-ion batteries, which are used in most modern smartphones, perform best when they are fully charged. When a battery is not fully charged, it can degrade more quickly and may not be able to hold as much charge over time.

Here are some of the benefits of charging to 100% before heavy usage:

  • Improved performance: A fully charged battery can provide more power to the device, which can improve performance.
  • Reduced lag: A fully charged battery can help to reduce lag and improve the overall responsiveness of the device.
  • Longer battery life: A fully charged battery will last longer than a partially charged battery, especially when the device is under heavy use.
  • Prevents battery problems: Charging to 100% before heavy usage can help to prevent battery problems such as overheating and swelling.

It is important to note that it is not necessary to charge your phone to 100% all the time. In fact, it is best to keep your battery between 20% and 80% charged as much as possible. This will help to extend the lifespan of your battery.

However, if you know that you are going to be using your phone heavily, it is a good idea to charge it to 100% before you start using it. This will help to ensure that your phone has enough power to perform well and prevent battery problems.

4. Use Your Phone Less

Reduce daily screen time and app usage which signal to adaptive charging that less frequent 100% charges are okay for your usage levels.

Reducing screen time and app usage can have a number of positive effects on your phone. Here are a few of the most notable:

  • Improved battery life: When you use your phone less, the battery will last longer. This is because the battery is not being constantly drained by apps and notifications.
  • Reduced wear and tear: When you use your phone less, the components are not being used as much. This can help to reduce wear and tear and extend the lifespan of your phone.
  • Improved performance: When you have fewer apps running in the background, your phone will perform better. This is because the processor is not being overloaded with tasks.
  • Reduced heat generation: When you use your phone less, it generates less heat. This can help to prevent overheating and extend the lifespan of your phone’s components.
  • Improved security: When you have fewer apps installed on your phone, there is less risk of malware infection. This is because malware often targets popular apps.

Overall, reducing screen time and app usage can have a number of positive effects on your phone. By following the tips above, you can improve the performance, lifespan, and security of your phone.

5. Disable Overnight Charging

Avoid overnight charging which specifically triggers adaptive charging’s 80% preservation mode. Only charge while awake and using the phone.

Overnight charging is the practice of charging your phone overnight while you are sleeping. This is a convenient way to charge your phone, but it can also be harmful to the battery.

When you charge your phone overnight, the battery is constantly being cycled between full and empty. This can cause the battery to degrade more quickly and may not be able to hold as much charge over time.

There are a few reasons why overnight charging can be harmful to the battery:

  • The battery is constantly being cycled between full and empty: When you charge your phone overnight, the battery is constantly being cycled between full and empty. This can cause the battery to degrade more quickly.
  • The battery is not able to cool down properly: When you charge your phone overnight, the battery is not able to cool down properly. This can also cause the battery to degrade more quickly.
  • The battery may overheat: If the battery overheats, it can be damaged. Overheating can also cause the battery to degrade more quickly.

If you are concerned about the health of your phone’s battery, you may want to disable overnight charging.

To disable overnight charging on your Realme GT5, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap on Battery and performance.
  3. Tap on Adaptive charging.
  4. Toggle the Adaptive charging switch to Off.

Once you have disabled adaptive charging, your phone will not slow down the charging process when it is plugged in overnight. This will help to prevent the battery from being overcharged and damaged.

If you need to charge your phone overnight, you can still do so. However, you may want to consider using a slower charger. Slower chargers generate less heat, which can help to protect the battery.

6. Replace an Old Battery

If your battery is aged 2-3 years with high cycle count, consider a battery swap to reset adaptive charging’s model of your needs.

It is important to note that the lifespan of a battery will vary depending on how the phone is used. For example, if you use your phone heavily or expose it to extreme temperatures, the battery will degrade more quickly.

To extend the lifespan of your Realme GT5’s battery, you can follow these tips:

  • Avoid extreme temperatures: Extreme temperatures can damage the battery, so it is important to avoid charging your phone in very hot or cold environments.
  • Use a high-quality charger: A high-quality charger will provide your phone with the correct amount of power and help to protect the battery.
  • Avoid fast charging: Fast charging can generate heat, which can damage the battery over time. It is best to use a standard charger whenever possible.
  • Keep your phone clean: Dirt and dust can build up on the battery and reduce its lifespan. Be sure to clean your phone regularly with a dry cloth.

7. Perform Regular Calibration

Regular battery calibration is the process of resetting the battery’s internal state of charge. This can help to improve the accuracy of the battery meter and extend the battery life.

To calibrate the battery on your Realme GT5, follow these steps:

  1. Charge your phone to 100%.
  2. Let your phone sit unplugged for at least 3 hours.
  3. Drain your phone’s battery until it shuts down.
  4. Charge your phone back to 100%.
  5. Once your phone is fully charged, let it sit unplugged for another 3 hours.

This process will help to reset the battery’s internal state of charge and improve the accuracy of the battery meter.

With mindful charging scheduling and selective toggling of Adaptive Charging when full charges are needed, you can minimize frustrating 80% charges while still benefiting from extended battery lifespan!

FAQs Realme GT5 Charging Issues

  • Why does my Realme GT5 sometimes stop charging at 80% and not fully charge to 100%?

    This sporadic 80% charging limit is caused by the Adaptive Charging feature which pauses charging before 100% based on usage patterns and habits. It’s a battery preservation technique that reduces wear by minimizing time spent fully charged.

  • In what situations will Adaptive Charging on my Realme GT5 limit charging to 80%?

    Common cases include irregular charging schedules preventing pattern learning, charging overnight when usage is low, after days of very high battery drain indicating less frequent full charges are needed, when the battery is aged and needs longevity help, and during periods of consistent light usage suggesting reduced charging requirements.

  • How can I minimize instances of the 80% charging limit on my Realme GT5?

    Try to keep a consistent charging routine, manually toggle Adaptive Charging off when full charges are needed, charge to 100% prior to heavy usage days, reduce daily usage to necessitate fewer full charges, avoid overnight charging, replace older batteries to reset adaptive learning, and perform monthly battery calibration to maximize the feature’s effectiveness.