Vanilla Ice Cream: Everything You Need To Know about the Android 15 Developer Preview

Vanilla Ice Cream: Everything You Need To Know about the Android 15 Developer Preview

Google has recently launched the first Developer Preview for Android 15, providing developers and tech enthusiasts with early access to the upcoming release of the popular mobile operating system. Building on the foundations laid by Android 14, this new version promises a smoother user experience, increased privacy protections, and enhanced developer tools.

If you’re excited to hear about all the latest features and eager to delve into the cutting-edge development that the Developer Preview offers, this article aims to answer your most pressing questions and get you on track.

Android 15 Developer

Android 15 continues the trend established by its predecessors in honing performance, user experience, privacy, and security. As you step into the developer realm with this preview, it’s important to note that this initial release focuses on gathering feedback from developers to iterate and polish the ultimate Android 15 experience.

Consider this an exploratory phase, with potential for changes and improvements as the platform further matures.

So take advantage of this preview and share your input with Google to collectively contribute to the development of a highly capable and intuitive operating system.

Enhanced Security and Privacy

Android 15’s heightened emphasis on user privacy and security takes center stage. Several new features bolster the protection of your sensitive data:

  • Scoped Storage Advancements: Android 15 refines the framework for managing external storage. It aims to give you more granular control over apps’ access to various media file types, limiting what data apps can see and use.
  • Secure Communication Protocols: Support for modern communication technologies like DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) and TLS 1.3 makes web browsing and app interaction more private and resilient to online threats.
  • Data Exfiltration Prevention: New restrictions are on the horizon that curtail malicious apps from stealthily collecting information such as your installed apps list, which could leak private details about your app usage habits.

Developer and Performance Enhancements

Google engineers have been diligently making optimizations to the codebase to foster an enhanced developer experience for building the next generation of mobile apps. In Android 15, improvements focus on a few different areas:

  • New OpenJDK APIs: Expanded OpenJDK libraries and improvements provide greater flexibility to developers, allowing the seamless use of modern programming language features, improved security, and increased efficiency.
  • Performance and Battery Optimization: Expect refined tools and metrics to better track resource usage in your apps. This enables you to tailor performance and battery-life optimization more effectively for your users.
  • Stability and Robustness: Continued investments in building a rock-solid Android foundation are ongoing. Reduced compatibility concerns and smoother development for both existing and upcoming apps is the focus.

Eligible Devices

Here’s the list of Android devices eligible for the Android 15 Developer Preview, as of today:

  • Google Pixel Phones:
    • Pixel 8 and 8 Pro (upcoming, but support likely)
    • Pixel 7 and 7 Pro
    • Pixel 6 and 6 Pro
    • Pixel 6a
    • Pixel 7a (upcoming, but support likely)
  • Other Google Devices:
    • Pixel Fold (Google’s foldable phone)
    • Pixel Tablet

It’s important to note:

  • Early Availability: This list applies to the initial Developer Preview phase. Support for more devices could arrive as the previews progress.
  • Pixel Focus: As is traditional with Android previews, Google’s own Pixel devices receive priority support due to tighter hardware and software integration.
  • Manufacturer Updates: Other device manufacturers could eventually release Android 15 updates (including beta versions) based on their development timelines.

Always double-check the official Android Developers website for the most up-to-date device compatibility list:

Getting Started with Android 15 Developer Preview

Are you an app developer keen to test your apps and experiment with Android 15’s newest features? Let’s walk through the essentials for setting up your development environment.


  • Compatible Device: Android 15 Developer Preview is currently supported on specific Google Pixel devices. Visit the Android Developers website ( for an up-to-date list of eligible devices.
  • Android Studio: Have the latest Preview version of Android Studio installed with up-to-date Android SDK tools.
  • Google Play Services Beta (Optional): To take advantage of all features, some may require joining the beta program for Google Play Services.


  1. Flash Factory Image: The most direct installation method involves flashing a factory image to your Google Pixel device. Refer to the official instructions on the Android Developers website for detailed steps.
  2. Android Emulator: Use the Android Studio AVD (Android Virtual Device) Manager to create a virtual device running Android 15. Select a supported Pixel device profile and download the relevant system image.

Let the Exploration Begin!

Take the dive into the exciting features and capabilities that Android 15 Developer Preview holds. As always, stay updated and monitor the Android Developers Blog for updates on Android 15 and future previews.

Your feedback contributes to the platform’s improvement – take full advantage of this opportunity to help shape the next wave of Android.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the biggest changes in Android 15 Developer Preview?

  • Android 15 focuses heavily on security improvements such as more granular control over app access to specific file types, new protection against data snooping, and more.
  • Developer tools see improvements, including access to newer Java libraries (OpenJDK) and enhancements to optimize application performance for power efficiency.

2. Is Android 15 Developer Preview stable enough for daily use?

  • No. Developer Previews are specifically for developers to test and adapt their apps for upcoming Android releases. Bugs and incomplete features are likely. This early version of Android 15 isn’t meant for personal or casual use on your main device.

3. Which devices are compatible with Android 15 Developer Preview?

  • The initial preview has support for a limited selection of Google Pixel devices. Check the Android Developers website for the most up-to-date list.

4. How can I submit feedback about my experience using Android 15 Developer Preview?

  • Google values developer feedback. Visit the Android developer site and access feedback/issue-reporting channels to share your observations and suggestions about features and stability.

5. Can I revert back to a stable version of Android after installing the Android 15 Developer Preview?

  • Yes, but do so with caution. Reverting will likely require wiping your device data. Back up all important information before starting, and carefully follow the official device flashing instructions provided by Google.

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