How to Diagnose Apps Causing Excessive Battery Drain on Galaxy A34

galaxy a34 battery draining problem

Excessive battery drain is a common issue that Android users face. The problem can stem from different causes – some apps are not optimized for battery usage, system glitches, old batteries are unable to hold charge, etc. However, one of the most prominent reasons behind swift battery drain is apps running in the background that consume too much power. On the Samsung Galaxy A34, identifying these battery-hogging apps and managing them is key to extending battery life.

There are various ways in which apps can negatively impact battery life. Constantly refreshing apps, pervasive location access, unchecked mobile data usage, and poorly optimized programming are some prime examples. While the Android OS tries to manage battery drain, rogue apps can slip through the cracks. Thankfully, Samsung provides robust tools on Galaxy devices to monitor battery usage patterns and pinpoint problematic apps.

This guide will explore various solutions to diagnose and deal with apps causing excessive battery drain on your Samsung Galaxy A34.

Check Battery Usage in Settings

The Settings app on your Galaxy device offers a straightforward way to identify apps with high battery usage. Monitoring the battery usage statistics shows which installed apps consume the most battery, both currently and over time. Apps frequently showing high background battery drain can then be managed to optimize their power usage.

To check an app’s battery usage on Galaxy A34:

  1. Open the Settings app and go to Battery and Device care.
  2. Select Battery from the options.
  3. Check the battery usage over the past 24 hours. Apps are sorted by highest to lowest usage.
  4. Tap on an app to see its exact battery usage duration.

This battery usage screen gives you an accurate look at power-hungry apps. You can then take steps to reduce their battery drain.

Enable App Power Management

Samsung also offers an App power management feature on Galaxy devices running One UI. This allows you to automatically put unused or background apps to “Sleep” to reduce battery drain. Apps frequently consuming power in the background are restricted through this option.

To enable app power management:

  1. Go to Battery settings and tap the 3-dot menu.
  2. Select App power management.
  3. Toggle on the feature and customize options if needed.
  4. The device will now automatically manage apps to reduce battery drain.

App power management ensures optimized battery life by limiting background activities of unused apps. Enable the option if you notice a high battery drain.

Force Stop Rogue Apps

Force stopping an app completely shuts down all its processes and services running in the background. If your Galaxy A34 has an app that misbehaves and hogs battery life, force stopping it can provide temporary relief. You can also uninstall such rogue apps.

To force stop an app on Galaxy A34:

  1. Go to Settings and select Apps.
  2. Tap on the troublesome app.
  3. Select Force stop to completely shut it down.

The app will restart the next time you open it, but force stopping provides a quick fix for runaway battery drain issues. Force stop apps one by one to identify the culprit if needed.

Adjust Background Usage of Apps

Apps running in the background when you are not actively using them can needlessly consume extra battery. Samsung allows you to closely monitor and manage such background activities for each app. Restricting background usage for unused apps will improve battery life.

To adjust background usage:

  1. Go to Settings and select Apps.
  2. Tap on the app you want to adjust.
  3. Select Mobile data, Battery, or Memory to view and alter usage options.

Disable background mobile data for apps not needing internet connectivity when idle. Similarly, restrict background battery usage of unused apps. Adjust these settings periodically for optimal performance.

Uninstall Battery Draining Apps

For apps you have not used in a while, or those you cannot restrict successfully, uninstalling them is the best way to solve battery drain issues. Removing software you no longer need eliminates associated background processes that can hog power.

To uninstall apps on Galaxy A34:

  1. Go to Settings and select Apps.
  2. Tap on the app you want to remove.
  3. Select Uninstall and confirm by tapping OK.

Before uninstalling, check if the app has important data or settings you may need later. You can also disable apps before deciding to uninstall them. Removing problematic apps can significantly improve battery life.

Limit Location Access

Location access allows apps to continually track your device’s geographical coordinates. This can be very battery-intensive, especially if the app pings location unnecessarily. Disable location access for apps not needing such sensitive information.

To limit location access:

  1. Go to Settings and select Location.
  2. Tap on an app and select Deny location access.
  3. Toggle off the master Location switch to limit overall access.

Be careful when denying location access to apps like Maps, as they may stop functioning properly. But limiting location can substantially reduce average battery drain during normal usage.

Close Background Apps

Apps opened in the background can gradually drain the battery over time. Periodically closing all background apps can provide a minor battery boost and also frees up device memory.

To close background apps on Galaxy A34:

  1. Tap on the Recent apps button to view open apps.
  2. Swipe up on each app preview to close them.
  3. Alternatively, tap Close all at the bottom left to kill all apps quickly.

This simple process removes apps from memory that may be passively using the battery in the background. Closing background apps should become part of your weekly device maintenance routine.

Update Apps

Developers constantly improve and optimize their apps through new updates. Updating your apps ensures you have the latest battery-friendly versions. The Galaxy Store and Play Store show an Update option for apps with new versions.

To update apps:

  1. Open the Galaxy Store/Play Store app.
  2. Select Updates to see pending app updates.
  3. Tap Update on each app to download the latest version.

Updating apps frequently can help improve battery performance, especially if the app was draining the battery previously. Keeping apps updated should be a priority.

Restart Your Device

As a last resort, restarting your Galaxy A34 can help terminate any stuck processes in the background that may be affecting battery life. It wipes out all apps from memory and starts with a clean slate after rebooting.

To restart your device:

  1. Long press the Power button.
  2. Tap Restart when prompted to safely reboot your phone.

Restarting gives Android a fresh start, closes battery-hogging processes, and can buy you some extra standby time. Make this a part of your monthly maintenance regimen.

Diagnosing battery-draining apps requires a bit of trial and error. But Galaxy devices provide comprehensive monitoring tools and solutions to identify and troubleshoot such problems. Stick to the steps outlined above to ensure you have the optimal battery life, even with moderate to heavy usage. Handle misbehaving apps before they take a toll on your phone’s battery capacity and lifespan. With proper app management and maintenance, your Galaxy A34 will delight you with its battery performance.


  1. Q: Why do some apps drain my phone’s battery faster than others?

    A: Some apps are optimized better than others when it comes to battery usage. Apps that frequently refresh content, use GPS and location services, sync data, or run intensive processes in the background tend to consume more battery. Poorly programmed apps can also hog CPU resources and keep waking up the device, leading to a faster battery drain.

  2. Q: How can I tell if an app is draining my battery excessively?

    A: Open your phone’s Battery settings, go to Battery usage, and check the list of apps with the highest battery consumption. You can tap on each app to see detailed power usage stats. Apps high up on the list that shows significant usage in the background are likely culprits behind rapid battery drain.

  3. Q: What steps can I take to stop an app from draining my battery?

    A: Try restricting background data and battery usage for the problematic app via App settings. You can also disable location access, reduce refresh rate, force stop the app when not in use, or uninstall it if there are no negative consequences. Updating the app and your device software can also help optimize battery performance over time.

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